MERCURY - The Alternative Phone-line For those of you interested in saving those hard earned pennies when you call up your favourite bulletin board This bulletin can also be downloaded from the COMMS file area of this board. It is called "Mercury.lzh." ======================================================================== If you make long distance calls , you'll find that Mercury can make a BIG difference to the size of your phone bills. You will find it easier to keep track of your spending - your Mercury bill gives details of each individual call you make. AND they claim the customer service is better than BT. To become a Mercury customer, all you need is a Mercury compatible phone , you will find a range to choose from in the high street. The annual cost is £8.81 INCLUDING VAT. All you do is dial 0800-424-194 and ask for an application form, when this arrives just fill it in and return it. Mercury will send you a personal PIN number which will be entered into the phone and used by the blue button. NOW FOR THE INTERESTING BIT. ============================= This is a list of example savings over BT, sent to me by Mercury. NATIONAL CALLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ECONOMY | STANDARD | PEAK | 5 Minute call| BT MERCURY SAVE | BT MERCURY SAVE | BT MERCURY SAVE | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Birmingham - | 33.6 18.1 46.1% | 50.4 40.9 18.8% | 67.2 53.0 21.1%| Aberdeen | | | | | | | | Bradford - | 33.6 19.8 41.1% | 50.4 42.0 16.7% | 67.2 56.0 16.7%| Plymouth | | | | | | | | Glasgow - | 33.6 18.1 41.1% | 50.4 42.0 16.7% | 67.2 56.0 16.7%| Cambridge | | | | | | | | Liverpool - | 33.6 18.1 41.1% | 50.4 40.9 18.8% | 67.2 53.0 21.1%| Southampton | | | | | | | | London - | 25.2 18.1 28.2% | 42.0 40.9 2.6% | 54.6 53.0 2.9% | Manchester | | | | | | | | Reading - | 16.8 12.3 26.8% | 37.8 37.0 2.1% | 50.4 48.5 3.8% | Luton | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| These figures do NOT include VAT. For more information, leave a message of private mail to: Dave Hedrick, Co-Sysop of Aardvark BBS